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Open Your Eyes to Malmö

​The working group of Open Your Eyes To Malmö would like to thank all participating associations/organisations for Open Your Eyes To Malmö this Autumn! We also thank everyone who stopped by and talked to the associations/organisations!

Open Your Eyes To Malmö will be back in 2025.

Arbetsgruppen för Open Your Eyes To Malmö vill tacka alla deltagande föreningar/organisationer för Open Your Eyes To Malmö denna höst! Vi tackar också alla som kom förbi och pratade med föreningarna/organisationerna!

Open Your Eyes To Malmö kommer tillbaka under 2025.

OYETM - Poster 2024.png

Information about OYETM Autumn 2023
On the 26th of September this Autumns Open Your Eyes To Malmö took place. There were 32 participationg organisations at the entrance of Niagara, Malmö University. It was a broad range of organisations that the wisitors met. They represented for example student unions; organisations that constitute the liberal non-formal and voluntary educational system in Sweden; cultural associations; sport associations and more. It was an opportunity for the visitors to find an activity and make new friends, get new knowledge and improve their health.

There were also organisations/associations that offered the possibility to be a volunteer and help others meet new friends, have fun, give them knowledge and improve their health.

Movie from the fair Autumn 2023

Associations and organisations

See who participates or have partipated previously.


Interviews and movies about being a volunteer.


Recommendations and links for the ones who wants to be a volunteer.

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